photo by zaria rashay


zaria rashay


a poem

what am i to do with this
life i did not ask for?
hold it like a child?
feed it my flesh, you say?

what am i to do with all
this burden in my chest?
let it unburden my womb?
let time bury me, you say?

what am i to do with this
life i did not ask for?
relish the sweet of it?
nurse it to the grave, you say?

what am i to do with all
this burden in my being?
let it wither my usefulness?
let time love me, you say?

i want to express my heartfelt gratitude to you for taking the time to read my work. it really means the world to me. feel free to clap, comment, and/or highlight; your support is genuinely valued on my end. if you are curious on how to and/or willing to further support me. you can buy me a pen. i also value good ol’ fashion word of mouth, so please feel free to share this piece and consider exploring another one of mine. thank you again for reading this far.



zaria rashay

the nighttime musings of a poetess. in the daylight i sew things and play at production design. ig @zariarashay youtube: zariarashay