photo by zaria rashay


zaria rashay
2 min readFeb 4, 2022

a poem

i offer you my forgiveness.
though you did not ask,
i offer it, still.
one day,
when you have
faded into a memory,
my grandchild will
thank me for forgiving you.

i offer you my heart.
though you did not ask,
i offer it, still.
one day,
when you utter
your last words,
i hope you hold no
grudges with the child you raised.

i offer you my waning youth.
though you did not ask,
i offer it, still.
one day,
when our memories
hang in the air like dust
in an attic, i will cry the ugliest.

i want to express my heartfelt gratitude to you for taking the time to read my work. it really means the world to me. feel free to clap, comment, and/or highlight; your support is genuinely valued on my end. if you are curious on how to and/or willing to further support me. you can buy me a pen. i also value good ol’ fashion word of mouth, so please feel free to



zaria rashay

the nighttime musings of a poetess. ig @zariarashay youtube: zariarashay