a poem
i have to leave you behind to go forward.
but, now, i like you.
sometimes, i even love you.
i have grown to tolerate the aches you bring.
rolling your name on my tongue makes my teeth shake.
i have to leave you behind to go forward.
but, now, i want you.
sometimes, i even need you.
i have grown to allow the flaws you paint.
rolling your lies on my tongue makes my throat gag.
i have to leave you behind to go forward.
because i like me now.
actually, i really love me.
i have grown to appreciate the relief i bring.
spelling my name provides a drum to my shaking teeth.
i have to leave you behind to go forward.
because i want me now.
actually, i really need me.
i have grown to embrace my flawful self-portrait.
rolling my truths on my tongue make my throat belch poetry.
i want to express my heartfelt gratitude to you for taking the time to read my work. it really means the world to me. feel free to clap, comment, and/or…