the weight
a poem
mama, i am sorry. father, i am too.
i am carrying enough guilt to feed lives worlds over. i have not forgotten the language of family. it is the undertone of my skin. it is the aftertaste of every meal.
mama, i am sorry. father, i am too.
sometimes when i stalk my hands, i see you, father. when i watch my feet, i can hear my mother’s voice. the scent of you both keeps me anchored in place.
mama, i am sorry. father, i am too.
i want to reach out, but i am afraid my arms are not long enough to touch you, mama. my throat aches from knowing i can yell for miles, and you still will not understand me, father.
mama, i am sorry. father, i am too.
mama, my chest blooms for you. father, my esteem races to fill your orders in time. the breeze of your love makes it easy for me to stand the sun, but the weight of your judgment keeps me in the shade.
i want to express my heartfelt gratitude to you for taking the time to read my work. it really means the world to me. feel free to clap, comment, and/or highlight; your support is genuinely valued on my end. if you are curious on how to and/or willing to further support me. you can buy me a pen. i also value good ol’ fashion word of mouth, so please feel free to share my piece and consider exploring this blog post. thank you again for reading this fa