photo by zaria rashay


zaria rashay


a poem

fuck me.
simply and truly.
i ache to empty like
an overfeed buffoon.

my womb is vacant.
it was never full.
i have never felt like
i am an overflowing
easter basket. always
just a sunday plate
licked clean.

do not fuck me.
leave me be.
simply and truly.

my womb just
aches to exist.
to be left alone,
so it can figure
itself out. but that
never happens.

i want to express my heartfelt gratitude to you for taking the time to read my work. it really means the world to me. feel free to clap, comment, and/or highlight; your support is genuinely valued on my end. before you depart, consider exploring another piece of mine. thank you again for reading this far.



zaria rashay

the nighttime musings of a poetess. in the daylight i sew things and play at production design. ig @zariarashay youtube: zariarashay